That is what we work for!

We support our customers in positioning themselves for the future in an economically efficient and sustainable manner.

Companion and pioneer

The technological environment of our target industries is subject to permanent change. Our customers from the industrial segments of refineries, energy and chemicals have experienced the most diverse phases and developments. We have always been at their side as pioneering partners, consultants and implementers. This has not changed until today.


Climate change is a global challenge that affects all of us. Operators of refineries and petrochemical plants are working flat out to transform traditional oil-processing companies into manufacturers of low-emission and renewable products. European sites in particular are called upon to improve their performance through product innovation and by exploiting the potential of digitization. Time is pressing and it is essential to remain globally competitive.

With WWV, investments pay off and plants remain available to the maximum extent. With technical competence, effective communication, reliable quality and on-time implementation, we support our customers in Europe in modernising their plants. Leading customers will thus reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions – i.e. the emissions per tonne of product manufactured – by at least 50% by 2030 and increase the share of products from the recycling industry by 50% or more.

We stay ahead with you –
efficient, sustainable, future-proof.


The decarbonisation of the energy industry is in full swing, and European energy suppliers are in the midst of fundamental change processes. The potential of decentralisation and digitization must be realised. In addition to wind energy and photovoltaics, biomass, hydropower and geothermal energy are gaining in importance. Highly efficient gas-fired power stations continue to play a key role.

We at WWV stand firmly by our European customers as competent consultants, technical partners and reliable service providers. We contribute to a more efficient energy supply and literally take the expansion of renewable energies into our own hands, for example in the context of electricity generation in Germany from already over 40% in 2020 to at least 60% in 2030.

We take you to the grid
with positive energy.

Chemical engineering

The chemical industry is one of the most innovative industries for creating value for a world population that continues to grow. Global competition constantly demands new and more sustainable products and solutions. Increasing digitization makes supply chains more transparent, efficient and effective. At WWV, we understand these developments and help to ensure that our customers’ investments in the construction of new plants and in the modernization and maintenance of existing plants throughout Europe are perfectly planned and implemented.

It is our declared aim to contribute to the future competitiveness of our customers’ business models on the one hand and to global emissions reduction through the use of efficient technologies and state-of-the-art processes along the entire value chain on the other.

With us you never miss the connection.

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