We live diversity.

Every day.

Diversity in working life is a matter of course for us. The outstanding performance of our diverse teams impressively confirms this attitude every day.

Diversity makes the difference

The people in our teams are our greatest asset. Their contribution is what determines our company’s performance. We make no distinction in terms of the origin, gender, religion or other personal characteristics and orientations of our employees. An unprejudiced, diverse corporate culture is the basis of our working environment. Diversity is therefore not a trend for us, but an everyday reality. This is what we at WWV stand for with our entire workforce.

WWV Wärmeverwertung WWV Icon Fach und Fuehrungskraefte Diversity Diversity

We show initiative!

We, WWV, are co-signatories of the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. employers’ initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions in Germany. With over 5.000 members, including the country’s largest companies, the Diversity Charter, which was launched in 2006, represents more than 15 million employees. Further information can be found on the initiative’s website. By signing the Diversity Charter, we are making a voluntary commitment to an appreciative and unprejudiced organizational culture.

Advantage through diversity

Diversity and inclusion in the world of work are much more than a social responsibility. They are an integral part of a company’s success and growth. Promoting diversity means discovering potential and developing it. On the one hand, by addressing and attracting the broadest possible spectrum of specialists. Secondly, because diverse perspectives in a workforce lead to greater innovation, creativity and problem-solving skills. For sustainable corporate development, diversity is the key to greater employee satisfaction and competitiveness.

At WWV, we stand for diversity –
at anytime and anywhere.

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